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Preventive Dentistry in Canonsburg

Keeps Your Smile Protected

Our preventive services enable us to accomplish our number one goal here at Center One Dental: stop dental problems before they even start. Thanks to this approach, your smile will look and feel much better over time. Plus, it will drastically lower you chances of needing more involved and expensive treatments down the road. With just two preventive appointments a year, we can give everyone in your family the kind of smile they never have to worry about. To schedule your next checkup and cleaning, contact us today.

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman receiving dental checkup

The standard dental checkup and teeth cleaning are two of the most effective services we provide every day. With them, we’re able to remove the harmful plaque and tartar from your teeth that is the root cause of most dental problems, and they also give Dr. Raj the chance to examine the health of your teeth, gums, jaw, and dental work. Regular exams will allow him to catch any problems you might have early and treat them well before they can affect your smile.

Learn More About Tooth Decay Prevention

Nightguards for Bruxism

Clear nightguard on metal tray

Do you ever wake up in the morning with a sore jaw, or do your teeth appear to have been worn down flat? If so, you may be suffering from bruxism, a condition where a person unconsciously clenches their jaw and grinds their teeth while they sleep. We can help keep your smile protected using something called a nightguard, which you’ll only need to wear to bed. This custom-made mouthpiece will place a firm but comfortable barrier on your teeth to keep them from grinding together.

Mouthguards & Sportsguards

Young boy placing red sportsguard

One of the most common causes of broken and knocked out teeth are sports injuries, but fortunately, you can easily avoid these kinds of mishaps simply by wearing a protective mouthguard the next time you hit the field, mat, or court. Our custom-made mouthguards are much stronger and comfortable than anything you can buy at the store, ensuring you can keep your mind on the game and keep your smile in one piece every time you play.

Learn More About Mouthguards

Oral Cancer Screening

Woman receiving oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is an often fatal disease that is actually very treatable when detected early, which is why Dr. Raj recommends that all adults should have at least one oral cancer screening per year. He can perform one as part of your regular checkups, and they only take a few minutes. He’ll look at your lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, throat, neck, and face for any signs of the disease, and should he find something, he can quickly help you arrange follow-up treatment.

Learn More About Oral Cancer Screening

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