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Have a Happy Halloween Without Spooky Cavities

October 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — centeronedental @ 6:37 pm

Pumpkin with candyHalloween is just around the corner, which means that children and adults alike are licking their lips in preparation for all the yummy sweets. This time of year brings lots of ghouls and ghosts, but they’re not the only thing that’s spooky. Due to the increase in sugary snacks, there’s also a heightened risk of cavities and tooth decay, which can be scary for your oral health. Keep reading to learn some Halloween candy tips to keep your smile out of danger while enjoying all of the festivities.

Some Candies Are Worse Than Others

It’s important to understand that there is some Halloween candy that is favorable for your oral health, just like there are some that can be incredibly detrimental. Sweets that stick to your teeth like toffee, taffy, or caramel can raise your risk of cavities because they stay in contact with your smile for long periods of time. This allows the sugar in these candies to interact with the bacteria in your mouth, which creates acid that eats away at enamel. For this same reason, you should also watch out for hard candies or highly acidic sweets.

If you’re going to indulge in Halloween treats, it’s best to choose candy that can wash away from your smile easily. For this reason, chocolate is a great option. Its creamy properties allow it to rinse from your smile with water and saliva relatively easily. Taking things a step further, dark chocolate is even better for your teeth than milk chocolate because it has less sugar. It also is rich in antioxidants and other ingredients that are good for your overall health.

Keep Up Your Routine

Halloween can be a distracting time, but it’s more important than ever to remember to practice good oral healthcare. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day to remove lingering plaque and bacteria. You can add mouthwash to your routine, but if you’re eating candy on the go, a quick rinse of water afterwards can wash away loose sugar and food debris.

After the festivities have settled down, it’s a good idea to see your dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning. They will check the health of your smile and a hygienist will remove any hard-to-reach plaque and tartar. After, you can leave the office knowing that you have a clean and healthy set of teeth!

Are you ready for a happy and healthy Halloween? Use these tips when choosing your sweets and remember to practice daily oral healthcare.

Meet the Dentist

Graduating from New York University’s College of Dentistry, Dr. Raj Vekariya believes in quality education. That’s why he wants you to know some of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy during this season of sugar. He currently practices at Center One Dental, and he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (724) 300-3700.

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